There are many different factors that go into what makes the best filter for your swimming pool. It would be easy to install a sand filter on every swimming pool but there are a variety of factors that go into which filter is the best for your swimming pool. This can be broken down into the following categories:

  • Type of liner
  • How much vegetation around your swimming pool
  • Surface area of the pool
  • Water conservation factors
  • Ease of use

With that said, we hope this blog post gives you some insight on the best type of filter for your pool, when they should be cleaned/backwashed and what to look for when they need to be cleaned or replaced. In the swimming pool world there are three different types of filters; sand, cartridge and diatomaceous earth (D.E.). First, we will highlight the pros and cons of each:

Sand Filter

Sand Filter

Sand Filter  


  • Easiest to use
  • Most common filter for swimming pools
  • Filters down to 20 microns
  • Easy to backwash when pressure rises to set backwash number


  • Requires replacements of sand every 5-8 years or when laterals break
  • Not recommended for pebble tec pools or pools with lots of vegetation due to high micron number
  • Can take much longer to clean up a green pool with this type of filter

Cartridge Filter

Cartridge Filter


  • Simple to maintain
  • Filters down to 10 microns
  • Best for water conservation due to no backwashing
  • Filters better in large surface area pools


  • More expensive filter
  • Cartridge replacement can be more expensive
D.E. Filter

D.E. Filter

D.E. Filter


  • Filters down to 3 microns
  • Filters the largest surface area and keeps the pool the most clean
  • Best for pools with lots of vegetation


  • Requires the most amount of maintenance especially after backwashing

The key to picking out a type of filter for your swimming pool is ultimately dependent on you but the above factors should go into play. Most importantly, if your swimming pool is surrounded by a lot of vegetation the most clear cut choice for you to keep your pool the cleanest is going to be a D.E. filter. Other than that, if you’re in an area where there are drought conditions we will always recommend a cartridge filter because there is no backwashing and it does a great job of keeping your swimming pool clean. Keep in mind all of these filters have pressure gauges with recommended numbers as to when they need to be backwashed or cleaned. With a sand filter, all that is necessary is a backwash but always be on the lookout for sand in your pool. When that happens, you might have a cracked lateral, which is the main filtration mechanism in a sand filter. At this point, a sand change will be necessary. As for cartridge filters, when the pressure rises to the maximum, they will need to be hosed down and cleaned (2-4 times a year). Finally, a D.E. filter should be taken a part at a minimum of one time a year. You will need to hose down the grids to get the excess D.E. off of them and then recharge the filter when you put it back together. Please note, that if you see D.E. blowing back into the pool there’s a pretty good chance there’s a tear in the grid and it will need to be replaced.

With any of the above, hiring a professional weekly service and maintenance company can make all of this much easier. If you have any questions about filters, please don’t hesitate to contact us today!