Stop Draining and Start Recycling Instead!

Stop Draining and Start Recycling Instead!

Stop draining your swimming pool and start recycling it instead should be something that every Las Vegas swimming pool owner should practice! Why waste on average 20,000-gallons of water when you can conserve it instead? Water is precious in our area, water should be...
Water Quality For Swimming Pools In Las Vegas

Water Quality For Swimming Pools In Las Vegas

Water quality issues in your swimming pool in the Las Vegas area is something that every swimming pool owner is going to have to familiarize themselves with. With multiple bathers in a pool, high winds, pollen, and lots vegetation that can be blown in the water it can...
Stop Draining Your Swimming Pools!

Stop Draining Your Swimming Pools!

This is a subject that is definitely discussed a lot in the swimming pool industry especially for those that live in the Las Vegas area. Our fill water is extremely hard and it forces residential and commercial swimming pool owners to drain their swimming pools every...
Stop Draining Your Swimming Pool!

Stop Draining Your Swimming Pool!

If someone tells you to drain your swimming pool, you should really think twice before you do it. It’s dangerous, takes time and can cause damage to your interior finish. At Clark County Pool & Lawn we have an alternative to a typical drain and refill and...