Swimming in quality water is always critical but just because the water is blue and doesn’t mean it’s always safe to swim in. Do you swim in commercial swimming pools? If so, this thinking should always be more of a concern of yours. Clark County Pool & Lawn is a premier weekly pool service administered by a staff with decades of experience in the industry. We service the Las Vegas and Henderson Nevada area. We are literally a one-stop shop for all your pool needs — whether that consists of pool cleaning, repair or general pool maintenance. We specialize in residential swimming pools and we want to educate all swimmers on the importance of water quality. We hope this blog post gives you some insight if you enjoy swimming in hotel pools, apartment pools, water parks or parks, and recreations pools.

When it comes to quality, that word can go far beyond just the work that is performed. Everyone who hires a service company always wants quality but this also pertains to the water as well. We are committed to our service and to make sure your steps, benches, and walls of your swimming pool are brushed and free of debris. Emptying the skimmer basket and pump basket along with skimming the surface of the pool to make it look clean always happens. If the pool needs vacuuming we get it done. Making sure there are adequate amounts of sanitizer is always a priority. We also make sure the pH is balanced too. But even when all of these are done, it doesn’t mean that the water is safe to swim in. This is where things can get confusing because even when the pool looks great and the chemistry is correct, there still can be issues and they might not be detectable with standard water tests.

Tap/fill water has been an issue in the past in the Las Vegas area. The possibility of people urinating and defecating in the swimming pool is always a possibility. With that said, here are some precautions you should always take when you are ready to swim:

  • Rinse off before and after you swim
  • Never drink the water
  • If you see someone urinating or defecating in the pool, let someone know and exit the pool immediately
  • If you feel sick after swimming call your doctor and get tested for waterborne diseases
  • Never swim in a pool if you are sick

Another way you can make sure you are swimming in the best quality of water is by having Clark County Pool & Lawn recycle your swimming pool water using our Reverse Osmosis (RO) mobile filtration system. This process lowers Calcium Hardness (CH), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Cyanuric Acid (CYA), and removes waterborne diseases without draining the swimming pool. The type of filtration provides your swimming pool with drinking quality water for swimming in. If you’re interested in knowing more or having us test your water, contact us today!

One other note, it isn’t uncommon to see cloudy water in commercial swimming pools. The water also might be salty. This can be prevented with RO filtration. We know large pools can be fun to swim in but poorly maintained water is definitely a risk and something that can be avoided.