Pool Purification in Las Vegas

Pool Purification in Las Vegas

Recycling Pool Water In Las Vegas Reverse Osmosis (RO) Filtration for your swimming pool is now possible. Clark County Pool & Lawn (d.b.a. – Pure Pool Purification) is offering residential and commercial swimming pool filtration in the Las Vegas area.  Our...
Quality Weekly Residential and Commercial Pool Service

Quality Weekly Residential and Commercial Pool Service

Residential and Commercial Pool Service in Las Vegas At Clark County Pool & Lawn Service, Inc., we are family owned and operated and have been serving the Las Vegas area since 1967. Our on-staff repairman has been with our company for more than 35 years. We...
Weekly Water Chemistry Balancing

Weekly Water Chemistry Balancing

Weekly Pool Service In Las Vegas With summer here and temperatures rising, so are your pool water temps, Clark County Pool & Lawn wants to make sure your swimming pool is always ready to swim in which means there is huge importance around balancing your water...