Weekly Pool Service In Las Vegas

If you own a residential swimming pool in the Las Vegas area, many people struggle with taking care of their swimming pool especially during our long and extremely hot summer. Our temperatures are above 100 degrees for a majority which means pool water can climb into the ’90s and when this happens it can be more difficult. When this happens, monitoring and balancing your water chemistry can be more challenging and must be done weekly. In addition, keeping it clean is also extremely important to prevent algae from growing. So, we hope this blog post gives you some insight into what it takes to take care of a swimming pool in the summertime and how we can help.

Typically, most people think brushing down the sides, benches, and steps, skimming, and balancing water chemistry is enough but it goes far beyond that. Swimming pools should be maintained at least once a week to keep them clean but depending on the time of year and weather conditions sometimes maintenance will need to occur several times a week. This is most common when storms hit and debris is in the pool. On a weekly basis, the water tile line and sides of the swimming pool should be brushed to prevent the buildup of dirt and calcium scaling. Debris should be skimmed out of the swimming pool as soon as possible as it can cause changes to the water chemistry in the swimming pool and could cause excess use of chlorine. On days where there are storms, please try and empty out the skimmer basket as soon as possible to allow proper water flow into your filtration equipment. Please note, if the debris prevents water from moving into the filter, the pump could lose prime and potentially burn up without any water!

In addition to weekly pool service, Clark County Pool & Lawn has the ability to provide other necessary services for swimming pools. Their sister company, City Wide Pool Service specializes in commercial pool service and Pure Pool Purification provides a unique service that recycles swimming pool water and is an alternative to a much more common activity which is a drain and refill. At Clark County, we want to be your swimming pool company of choice. We hold our standards extremely high and want to make sure your pool is always ready to swim in.

Hiring a reputable weekly service and maintenance company will alleviate a lot of the stress there is in taking care of a swimming pool. If you’re currently looking and would like us to take the hassle out of managing your swimming pool, please contact us today!