Changes In How You Take Care of Your Pool Water In Summer

Changes In How You Take Care of Your Pool Water In Summer

Weekly Pool Service For Your Swimming Pool Spring is just around the corner which means, the days of easier swimming pool maintenance are officially over. The temperatures are warming up which means weekly pool service and maintenance in Las Vegas are important. Clark...
How Hard Water Effects Your Swimming Pool Water Chemistry

How Hard Water Effects Your Swimming Pool Water Chemistry

High Calcium Hardness Challenges with Swimming Pools As a residential and commercial swimming pool owner in the Las Vegas area, you’re gonna want to familiarize yourself with Calcium Hardness and what challenges it poses to your swimming pool. Overall, there is...
It Is Important To Recycle Your Swimming Pool Water

It Is Important To Recycle Your Swimming Pool Water

The Puripool Process in Las Vegas, Nevada For the past five-plus years we have been purifying/recycling swimming pools in the Las Vegas area. One of the main reasons why is because of our extremely hard water. In Las Vegas, our water is extremely hard. In fact, it is...
How To Have The Best Water Quality In Your Pool

How To Have The Best Water Quality In Your Pool

Reverse Osmosis For Pool Water In Las Vegas If you have heard of Reverse Osmosis (RO) you are probably aware of what it’s used for. Typically, the most common application is for drinking water and this application is usually installed under the sink in your...