The ideal method of maintaining your pool’s cleanliness is to clean it once a week. The CDC explains that poor pool maintenance can lead to low disinfectant levels, particulates, or foreign matter accumulating in the water. This can allow the continued spread of germs and bacteria that could lead to various respiratory or skin diseases.

Aware of the health risks, Clark County Pool & Lawn finds that our pool cleaning clients in Las Vegas have also started looking into daily maintenance options. There are many pools cleaner options in the market today, and they fall under three primary categories ranging on their cleaning method.

The type of pool cleaner you choose will depend on what you prefer the cleaning method.

Suction Cleaners

A suction-based pool cleaner works alongside the suction already installed in your pool. It’s connected to the pool’s skimmer and will use the filter pump to move around the pool. The primary function of a suction cleaner is to gather and store any debris, dirt, or particles floating on the water surface.

A great benefit of this type of cleaner is that they can move up and down the sides of the pool, and they are effortless to use. If you’ve never had a pool cleaner before, this is a good option to choose. However, you must have a good, strong pool pump to enable it to move well. Furthermore, it’s essential to backwash the filter and clean out the basket with each use.

It’s dependable, has a long lifespan of roughly 7-10 years, and is relatively easy to maintain.

Pressure Cleaners

This type also relies on the pool’s already-present pump and filter like the suction cleaner. However, unlike the suction cleaner, it uses the pressure from the pump to generate movement. The cleaner’s wheels roll and create its own suction to take in dirt and debris.

The primary benefit of this cleaner is that, like robotic cleaners, they have their own filter bags. This means less work for your existing pool cleaner and reduced wear with use. Furthermore, if you add its own booster pump, it’s even stronger than the suction cleaner. Like the suction cleaner, it will need to have its filter bag after each use.

The only downside is that they don’t scrub the pool’s surfaces as thoroughly as most other contact cleaners. However, it also has a long life span and it’s easy to use.

man maintaining a pool

Robotic Cleaners

Though these cleaner types are a relatively new innovation in pool cleaning, they have rapidly become more popular. It’s an automatic cleaner, which means that they move independently of the pool’s circulation system. They also don’t place an extra load on the filter.

It’s an energy-efficient solution as most self-contained units have a built-in filter and motor. They are also much more thorough at cleaning the pool, as they can pick up even the smallest particulates on the pool surface. Other models have a remote-controlled operation and four-wheel drive movement for added convenience.

They’re good for in-ground and above-ground systems, and because it filters the water itself, you don’t need as many chemicals.

Get Regular, Professional Cleaning

As effective as all these cleaners are, they can only pick up the dirt and debris in the water and on pool surfaces. Consider these options a supplement to regular pool cleaning and maintenance. Having scheduled weekly pool cleaning is still the best way to ensure that your pool remains absolutely clean and free of bacteria and germs.

Clark County Pool & Lawn’s professional, experienced pool care specialists have helped pool owners all over Las Vegas and Henderson maintain a high standard of cleanliness in their pools. We can even provide you with important reminders and tips on keeping the pool clean between maintenance. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or read more about our services.