Why Hire a Pool Cleaning Service in Las Vegas

Why Hire a Pool Cleaning Service in Las Vegas

Las Vegas homeowners have been gaining more and more interest in beautifying their pool areas. In fact, there are over 200,000 swimming pools in Las Vegas which indicates a growing trend among homeowners.  But if you want your pool to last a lifetime, you need to show...
How to Prime an Above Ground Pool Pump

How to Prime an Above Ground Pool Pump

Your above-ground pool pump is like a heart. It circulates water so your system can heat, filter, and chlorinate it before redirecting it back to the pool. That’s why you must ensure you prime it if your pool is new or if you’ve just opened it after winter, or...
5 Best Pool Games for Teens

5 Best Pool Games for Teens

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), children and adolescents need at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity every day. However, getting them out of the house can be difficult, especially on hot and sunny days....
Recycling Pool Water: All You Need to Know

Recycling Pool Water: All You Need to Know

Recycling paper, plastic, and other products to reduce waste has become a habit, so why not recycle pool water? With all the drought and climate changes going on at the moment, recycling your swimming pool water instead of draining it seems like a wise decision....