If you’re thinking about installing a pool, you should know that you’ll have to pay attention to square footage, placement, shape, and chemical reactions to keep swimmers safe.
A pool cleaning service in Las Vegas will ensure your filtering system is intact but also advise you on chemicals you may need in your pool chemistry.
So, before you become the proud owner of a backyard pool, let’s go over some of the principles of swimming pool chemistry.
Basic Pool Chemistry
Unlike natural water bodies, swimming pools lack the three main purifiers that protect the quality of the water. Natural water bodies are aerated, meaning they naturally get oxygen in the water from continuous flows through rivers and streams. This constant water flow is also responsible for the dilution of sediment and the prevention of contaminant buildup.
Unfortunately, swimming pool water cannot get purified this way, which is why it gets contaminated with algae, bacteria, and dirt. Then there is also the organic material that swimmers leave behind, such as sweat and urine. This is the reason chemicals are essential to every swimming pool.
Bacteria-Fighting Chemicals
Untreated swimming pool water is a breeding ground for parasites and bacteria like Cryptosporidium parvum and Escherichia coli. These can cause numerous unpleasant symptoms, so pool owners dedicate much time to making pool water safe for swimmers.
The chemicals most often used to keep swimming pool water clean are chlorine, UV radiation, and bromine. Depending on the water condition, they can be used in combination or separately.
The Smell Is Not Chlorine
Swimming pools are safe once the right amounts of chemicals are added to the water. The problem occurs when swimmers enter the water. Dirt, sweat, urine, lotions, and everything that swimmers bring into the water are what causes the characteristic smell of swimming pools.
Properly disinfected pools don’t allow pathogen microorganisms to survive in the water longer than half a minute. But these substances are unstable when in contact with substances that the swimmers bring. They create new kinds of chemicals to form compounds that are ineffective sanitizers.
So, What Really Happens?
Let’s take human sweat and urine as an example. When these liquids react with the hypochlorous acid in the pool water, they produce compounds called chloramines.
Many swimmers believe that the distinctive swimming pool smell and eye and skin irritation are a result of hydrochloric acid. That’s not true! They are caused by chloramines.
The strong smell is most often a sign of very little free chlorine, as opposed to the misconception of too much chlorine.
To improve the health of the water and make it safe for swimmers, pool maintenance services have to shock-treat the swimming pool. This means adding a potent dose of chemicals to the pool water to clean the organic matter and remove all unhelpful chemical compounds.
Clark County Pool & Lawn: A Safe and Reliable Pool Cleaning Service in Las Vegas
Clark County Pool & Lawn Services is a company that specializes in residential pools.
We offer numerous services, including filtration systems, pumps, motors, and more. Offering top-quality pool cleaning services in Las Vegas, we’ll check that your pool is clean and safe for swimmers.
Get in touch today, and we’ll ensure your family and friends remain protected from any toxic chemicals in your pool!
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