Lowering Calcium Hardness in Pools Las Vegas

If you have a swimming pool in the Las Vegas area, you’re going to deal with extremely high Calcium Hardness levels in your swimming pool. As water evaporates in a swimming pool, calcium, magnesium, and other hardness minerals remain in solution, build up in concentration, and scale the tile, the interior finish of the swimming pool as well as the filtration equipment. If you have decorative tile, fountains or other water features this can make looking at them extremely frustrating because the scaling gets worse and worse and it can make your backyard paradise look like an eyesore. In the swimming pool industry, it’s recommended to have your calcium levels between 200-400 parts per million (ppm). In some parts of the United States, the water coming out of the tap is 400 ppm and above. This is especially true here in Las Vegas where we have some of the hardest water in the country. When calcium levels get high, we recommend recycling your swimming pool using our Reverse Osmosis (RO) mobile filtration system. It conserves 85% of the water in the swimming pool, gives you much better water than a drain and refill, and prevents damage to your swimming pool when you drain it.

Recently, we were called out to a residential 23,000-gallon swimming pool because they complained of high Calcium Hardness and Cyanuric Acid (CYA) levels. When we arrived at the house the initial chemistry was as follows:

Calcium Hardness – 820 ppm

Total Dissolved Solids – 4850 ppm

Cyanuric Acid – 150 ppm

After filtering the swimming pool for 16 hours and conserving roughly 17,000-gallons we left our customer with the following ending water chemistry:

Calcium Hardness – 140 ppm

Total Dissolved Solids – 720 ppm

Cyanuric Acid – 20 ppm

The ending water chemistry is perfect when dealing with a swimming pool. The residents lost no time with their swimming pool, we also lowered Total Dissolved Solids and Cyanuric Acid (which was high) and conserved water at the same time which is vital in the Las Vegas area. If you should have any questions in regards to our pool water recycling service please contact us today!