Hard Water Problems in Las Vegas

Lowering Calcium Hardness, TDS, and CYA in Pools Prior to pool water recycling, the only solution to lowering Calcium Hardness (CH), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Cyanuric Acid (CYA), phosphates, nitrates, salts, and waterborne diseases was to drain and refill a...
Common Reasons Why Algae Occurs In Pools

Common Reasons Why Algae Occurs In Pools

Treating Algae In Swimming Pools It is officially summer in regards to our temperatures and green pools become more and more common every day. You can find them in vacant homes, residential swimming pools, commercial pools, or in any pool that isn’t properly...
Which Filter Is The Best For Your Pool

Which Filter Is The Best For Your Pool

Choosing The Right Filter For Your Swimming Pool With summertime temperatures officially here so is swim season. This is also the time where your swimming pool is going to have increased use and your filter is going to have to be working efficiently for the increased...